№ |
Фамилии авторов, название доклада |
| Секция 1. Возобновляемая энергетика |
5267 | A. Ibrahim, E. Solomin, A. Miroshnichenko Control Strategy for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Doubly Fed Induction Motor for Wind Turbine |
5266 | A. Miroshnichenko, E. Solomin, A. Ibrahim Research of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Railway Train for Utilization of Related Airflow Energy |
5270 | Vladimir Tremyasov, Aleksey Bobrov, Tatiana Krivenko Reliability Theoretical Frequency Assessment of Generation Systems with Photovoltaic Solar Panels |
5272 | Galaktion V. Shvedov, Sirojiddin R.Chorshanbiev, Alexey G. Vaskov Analysis and Evaluation of Potential of Renewable Energy Resources of Republic of Tajikistan |
5293 | Dmitry А. Chernov, Nikita D. Karpov, Mikhail G. Tyagunov Features of Design and Operation of Wind-Diesel Complexes |
5313 | Vladimir Tremyasov, Aleksey Bobrov, Tatiana Krivenko Fault Tree Logical-Probabilistic Method of Wind-Diesel Complex Reliability Analisys |
5394 | Andrey G. Batukhtin, Mikhail V. Kobylkin, Sergey G. Batukhtin, Marina G. Baranovskaia Application of Heat Pumps in a Centralized Heat Supply as the Direction of the Development of District Heating Cogeneration |
5479 | Evgeny Sirotkin, Andrey Martyanov, Ahmed Ibrahim Mathematical Modeling of Wind Turbine Brake System |
5540 | Alexander V. Bogdan, Vladimir A. Bogdan, Konstantin A. Garkavyi Optimization of Power and Place of Connection |
5582 | A.A. Malozemov, V.S. Kukis, A.V. Naumov Hybrid Power System with Variable Speed Diesel Engine |
5584 | Evgeniy Klimov, Elena Bodrova, Evgeny Sirotkin Volume Estimation Methods of Exhausting Bulk Biogas From Russian Growth Range |
5601 | Irina Yu. Ivanova, Tatiana F. Tuguzova, Nadezhda A. Khalgaeva Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Consider Rationale of Use of solar panel plants for Power Supply of Off-Grid Consumers |
5622 | S.K. Sheryazov, V.V.Vasenev, Zh.B. Telyubaev Optimization of Reactor Parameters in Anaerobic Digesters |
5663 | I.M. Kirpichnikova, V.V. Shestakova, A.V. Akimov Development of Effective Device for Protection of Solar Modules from Contamination |
5696 | S.V. Mitrofanov, D.K. Baykasenov, M.A. Suleev Simulation Model of Autonomous Solar Power Plant with Dual-Axis Solar Tracker |
5750 | Andrey Martyanov, Nikita Martyanov, Evgeny Sirotkin State Observer for Variable Speed Wind Turbine |
6125 | O.S. Ptashkina-Girina, N.S. Nizamytdinova, O.A. Guseva Technical-Economic Assessment of Small Hydro-Power Units |
6144 | A.G. Kayumov, Y. P. Gusev, V. V. Govorin Influence of Out-of-Phase of Synchronous Generators on Short-Circuit Currents in Power Systems |
6167 | Artur Sibgatullin, Vladimir Tolmachev Justification of the Parameters of RES Based Energy Complexes for Trunk Gas Pipeline Consumers |
6237 | Alexandr A. Panfilov Features of Calculation Schemes and Methods for Design of Wind Turbine Foundations for Arctic Conditions |
6245 | Viktor Elistratov, Irina Kudryasheva Metodology of Wind-Diesel Power Complexes Parameters Justification for Decentralized Supply of Arctic Regions |
6261 | Oleg Berg, Sergey Prischepov Nonvolatile Portable Power Supply. Performance Capabilities and Organization Principles in Continental Areas |
| Секция 2. Малая и распределенная энергетика. Возобновляемые источники энергии в промышленности и в современной городской инфраструктуре |
5340 | Yuri N. Bulatov, Andrey V. Kryukov, Grigory O. Arsentiev Use of Power Routers and Renewable Energy Resources in Smart Power Supply Systems |
5418 | Pavel V. Ilyushin, Andrew V. Pazderin Approaches to Оrganization of Emergency Control at Isolated Operation of Energy Areas with Distributed Generation |
5866 | V.V. Bukhmirov, A.V. Sadchikov, N.F. Kokarev Increase Methane Emission of Biogas Plant Using Combined Charging Raw Materials |
5975 | V.V. Zhukov, R.V. Pugachev, B.O. Nyaware Energy Complexes Consisting of Hydro and Nuclear Power Plants with Low Power Nuclear Reactors |
5979 | V.V. Bukhmirov, A.V. Sadchikov, N.F. Kokarev Determination of the Parameters of the Solar System to Compensate for the Thermal Losses of a Single-chamber Vertical Cylindrical Reactor |
7532 | Ibragim M. Asanov, Egor Y. Loktionov Сoncepts of Solar Batteries Integration in Linear Infrastractural Objects |
| Секция 3. Интеллектуальные системы электроснабжения |
5339 | Anastasia Chernova Designing Database for Decision Support System for Development of Electrical Grid |
5421 | O.V. Gazizova, A.V. Varganova, A.V. Malafeev Steady-State Stability of Industrial Distributed Generation Sources in Terms of Optimization of Their Active and Reactive Power Loading |
5697 | Vladislav A. Agapov, Sergei V. Mitrofanov Efficiency of Application of Direct Current Insert for Purpose of Restriction of Short Circuit Currents at Association of Power Supply Systems |
5716 | V.Y. Sokolov, S.A. Naumov, E.A. Pivneva Possibility of Receiving Two Types of Energy by Gas-Piston Power Plants on the Basis of Engines of Yaroslavl Motor Plant |
5724 | Philipp Molotov, Alexey Vaskov, Michail Tyagunov Modeling Processes in Microgrids with Renewable Energy Sources |
5756 | N.G. Semenova, L.A. Semenova Internal Lighting Control on the Basis of Fuzzy Inference |
| Секция 4. Энергосбережение устройствами силовой электроники, электрическими машинами, автоматизированными электроприводами и т.п. |
5285 | G.S. Mytsyk, Tin Aung Zaw Features of Practical Implementation of Three Phase Transformer-Rectifier Device with Pulse of Rectified Voltage P=12 |
5357 | I.M. Kirpihnikova, I.B. Makhsumov, I.S. Nosirov Electric Servo Drive Control System of Milling Machine with Neural Network |
5363 | George Palkin, Ivan Suvorov, Roman Gorbunov Evaluation of Ways to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Sites of First Rise Supply Water Systems with Storage Tank by Laboratory Modeling |
5507 | D. Yerezhep, V. Kogai, A. F. Minikaev Numerical Analysis of Efficiency Parameters of Thermoelectric Generator for Low-potential Heat Recovery |
5563 | I.A. Rostuntsova, S.V. Novichkov, О.V. Zakharov Perspective Directions of Energy Saving Technologies in Distributed Power Generation |
5578 | Sergey Gandzha, Anatoliy Belonozhko Development of Electrical Energy Storage Device Using Direct-Acting Fuel Cells Based on Methanol |
5834 | Pavel V. Dikarev, Aleksey A. Yakovlev, Aleksey M. Makarov Development of Technical Solution for Automated Compact Cogeneration Plant Using Search Engineering |
5895 | Svetlana N. Trofimova Account of Influence of Electric Arc Parameters at Calculation of Loss of Electricity in Airlines of Electric Transmissions |
5994 | Aleksey Makarov, Mikhail Kukhtik Automated System of Frequency Control for Drive of Cascade Pump Station of Random Configuration |
6160 | S.V. Os'kin, V.A. Didych Control Axial Pump Aggregate At Static Pressure Change |
7031 | Tao Jing, Alexander S. Maklakov A Review of Voltage Source Converters for Energy Applications |
8000 | Sergey Gandzha, Aminov Dilshod, Kosimov Bakhtiyor Design of Brushless Electric Machine with Axial Magnetic Flux Based on the Use of Nomograms |