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Surnames of authors, title of report |
Plenary reports |
1 | Taymanov R.E. Development of Measurement Models for Multiparameter Quantity Related to Humans |
2 | Hristo Radev On the Selection and Application of the Associated Feature When Evaluating the Form and Location of Surfaces and Axes of Workpieces |
3 | Shestakov A.L. Review of the Methods of the Dynamic Measurement Theory |
4 | Manus Patrick Henry Measurement Validation for the Internet of Things |
Section 1. Metrological ensuring of measuring instruments and measuring systems |
4636 | Hristo Radev, Vassil Bogev, Velizar Vassilev On the Selection and Application of the Associated Feature When Evaluating the Form and Location of Surfaces and Axes of Workpieces |
4563 | Semyonov S.G., Gavrilenko S.Y., Chelak V.V. Information Processing on the Computer System State using Probabilistic Automata |
4565 | Kozlova N.S., Goreeva Zh.A., Zabelina Ev.V. Testing Quality Assurance of Single Crystals and Stock on their Base |
4580 | Milovzorov D.G., Yasoveyev V.Kh. Angular Installation Options Errors Correction for Three-Component Vector-Measuring Transducers with Accelerometer at Calibration Phase |
4608 | Usachev Yu.A., Abzhuev O.D., Usachev M.S. Status of Problem of Creating Metrological Complexes for Photonics Purposes |
4610 | Yasoveev V.Kh., Shmelev A.A. Implementation Methods of Self-Calibration In Intelligent Magnetostrictive Transformers of Linear Displacements |
Section 2. Methods and algorithms for digital processing of measurement information |
4512 | Sokolinskaya I.M. Scalable Algorithm for Non-stationary Linear Programming Problems Solving |
4515 | Lapin A.P., Alsheva K.V. Investigation of Conversion Function for Vortex Sonic Flowmeter using Monte-Carlo Method |
4523 | Podivilova E., Shiryaev V. Comparison of Set-valued Dynamical System State Estimates |
4525 | Grechnikov F.V., Kochetkov A.V., Zakharov O.V. Strategy of Surfaces Measuring on the Basis of Minimization of Control Points Number |
4528 | Nikolaev S.G., Golota A.V. Strapdown Inertial Navigation System Calibration |
4530 | Chernov N.I., Prokopenko N.N., Butyrlagin N.V. Method of Analog-to-Digital Conversion of Current Signals Conveyed by Sensor Based on Multi-valued Adder |
4532 | Tsybina M., Almazov V., Kiselev S. Estimation of Air Data Probe Characteristics |
4534 | Prokudina L.A. Simulation of Wave Characteristics of Evaporating Liquid Film |
4536 | Yaparova N.M. Method for Internal Heat Source Identification in a Rod Based on Indirect Temperature Measurements |
4537 | Tabarintseva E.V. On Approximate Solution of Non-linear Inverse Problem |
4542 | Tsybina M., Almazov V., Sorokin M. Estimation of Characteristics of Multifunctional Air Data Probe for Air Data System |
4545 | Prokudina L.A., Turlakova S.U. Mathematical Modeling of Oscillatory Regimes in Oregonator |
4549 | Larkin E., Bogomolov A., Privalov A. Data Buffering in Information-Measuring System |
4551 | Larkin E., Bogomolov A., Privalov A. Estimation of Events Flow Generated with Ergodic Semi-Markov Processes |
4560 | Nikitin I.S., Usachev Yu.A. Research of Recognition Algorithm for Sheet Metal Marking |
4562 | Yurovskikh P.A., Shiryaev V.I., Khadanovich D.V. Data Measurement Smoothing in the Guaranteed Estimation Algorithm for Dynamical Systems Control |
4569 | Korsun O.N., Tulekbayeva A.K., Toktabek A.À. Estimation of Errors of Aircraft Air Parameters Measurements Based on Satellite Navigation System Data |
4570 | Nikolaev S., Golota À., Ivshina Iu. Identification Modeling of Inertial Sensors' Parameters of Strapdown Inertial Navigation Systems |
4577 | Munasypov R.A., Masalimov K.A. Neural Network Models for Diagnostics of Complex Technical Objects State by Example of Elecrochemical Treatment Process |
4585 | Osipov I.O. , Yurovskikh P.A., Shiryaev V.I. Inaccurate Measurements Processing for Guaranteed Estimation in Dynamical System Stabilization Problem |
4594 | Solovyev A.S., Kalatch A.V., Desyatov D.B. Computer Modeling and Measurement of Devastating Impact Characteristics of Snow Avalanches |
4595 | Solovyev A.S., Kalatch A.V., Desyatov D.B. Computer Modeling and Measurement of Characteristics of Water Masses Distribution to Forecast Probability of Area Flooding |
4596 | Dubrovin A.S., Sumin V.I., Novoseltsev V.I. Method of Measurement of Charging Decompensation at Explosive Plasma Formation with Computer Information Processing |
4597 | Saraev P.V., Polozova Yu.E., Polozov Yu.L. Usage of Dual-parametric Neural Networks for Measuring Instruments Calibration |
4600 | Kochedykov S.S., Dushkin A.V., Novoseltsev V.I. Tool and Algorithmic Diagnostic Devices of Operability of Actuation Mechanisms of Automated Control Systems |
4601 | Porfiriev A.V., Sumin V.I., Dushkin A.V. Algorithm of Measurement Information Processing for Hardware and Software Complex Capture and Automatic Tracking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
4602 | Isaev O.V., Kravchenko A.S., Irkhin V.P. Method for Modeling Accuracy Measuring in Evaluation of Sustainability of Information Structure Security System in Terms of Negative Impacts |
4603 | Moiseev S.I., Kuzmenko R.V., Stepanov L.V. Method for Measuring of Latent Indicators of Continuous Sets of Original Information Data |
4611 | Khvostov A.A., Ryazhskih V.I., Ryazhskih A.V. Vibrodiagnostics of Compressor Valves via Empirical Mode Decomposition Method |
4619 | Larkin E., Kotov V., Kotova N., Privalov A. Testing Image Synthesis for Skanners Verification |
4621 | Atlasov I.V., Menshikh V.V., Solodukha R.A. Mathematical Model of Steganalysis Algorithms Correlation Estimation with Computational Complexity Considering |
4623 | Bukharin S.V., Melnikov A.V., Menshikh V.V., Navoev V.V. Principal Component Analysis Using Self-Organized Neural Network |
4624 | Glushkov A.N., Menshikh V.V., Khohlov N.S., Bokova O.I., Kalinin M.Y. Markov Model Based Mathematical Representation of Radio Signals |
4625 | Glushkov A.N., Menshikh V.V., Khohlov N.S., Bokova O.I., Kalinin M.Y. Gaussian Signals Simulation Using Biconnected Markov Chain |
Section 3. New methods and tools of measurement |
4517 | Dvornikov Î.V., Dziatlau V.L., Prokopenko N.N. Software and Hardware Complex for Studying Semiconductor Devices at Low, Incl. Cryogenic, Temperatures |
4521 | Elshin V.V., Kolodin A.A., Ovsyukov A.E. Measurement of Gold Concentration in Stream: Device Development and Testing |
4524 | Yurasova E.V. Design and Metrological Assurance of Tracking Amplitude Resolver-to-Digital Converter Based on Contactless Magnetic Sensor |
4546 | Grebneva O.A., Novitsky N.N. Problems and Methods for Optimal Design of Experiments and Processing of their Results for Identification of Heating Networks Thermal-hydraulic Models |
4555 | Rodin V.A., Dumachev V.N., Sinegubov C.V. Examples and Analysis of Interaction of Two-Dimensional Verhulst-Pearl Model Decisions |
4566 | Kozlova N.S., Kozlova A.P., Goreeva Zh.A. Spectrophotometric Methods and their Capabilities to Study Material Optical Parameters |
4590 | Bertram T., Lankin A.M., Gorbatenko N.I. Multiphysical Models of Mechatronic Systems for Conducting Measurements by Natural Model Methodology |
4606 | Kozlov A.G., Fadina E.A. Analysis of Planar Interdigitated Electrode System Used in Impedance Measurements of Liquid |
4607 | Sukhovilov B.M, Sartasov E.M., Grigorova E.A. Robust Photogrammetric Method to Estimate Geometric Parameters of Spatial Objects with Axial Symmetry |
4613 | Karandaev A.S., Radionov A.A., Yachikov I.M., Nikolaev An.An. Methods of Estimation of Electrical Equipment Condition Based on Integral Diagnostic Attribute |
4617 | Shimolin A.J., Sobina A.V., Zyskin V.M. Potassium Iodate Purity Determination by High Precision Coulometric Titration: New Measurement Procedure Implementation |
Section 4. Technical diagnostics and metrological self-control of measuring instruments and actuators |
4510 | Vishnevskiy A.A., Yasoveev V.Kh., Khasanov Z.M. Correction of Dynamic Errors of Fiber-optic Pressure Sensor based on Estimation of Nonlinearity Value of Membrane Stress-strain Behavior and Adaptive Method |
4571 | Bogatenkov S.A. Modeling of Safety System for Technical Diagnostics of Measuring Channels Under Conditions of Information Introduction and Measuring Systems |
4583 | Khashimov A.B. Diagnostics of Linear Phased Array from Near-Field Data using Iterative Regularization |
Section 5. Dynamic measurements |
4506 | Tanana V.P., Sidikova A.I. Approximate Solution to Inverse Problem of Solid State Physics |
4507 | Keller A.V., Ebel A.A. Parallelization of Numerical Algorithm for Optimum Dynamic Measurement Problem Solution |
4511 | Ibryaeva O. Recursive Matrix Pencil Method |
4513 | Fadeeva A.S., Korzhova M.E., Markov B.A. On one Type of Liesegang Operator |
4516 | Ukhobotov V.I., Krasil’nikova E.S. Approach to Fuzziness Measuring |
4522 | Solodusha S., Orlova I. Numerical Solution of Dynamic Measurement Problem by Volterra Polynomials |
4572 | Volosnikov A.S., Nezhurbida V.S. Dynamic Measurement Error Correction on the Basis of Recurrent Neural Network |
4576 | Korzhova M.E., Korzhov A.V. Weibull Distribution?s Parameters in Electrical Insulation Reliability Assessment |
4578 | Komarevtseva O.O. Forming Model for Dynamic Measurement of Cities' Readiness to Implement Smart City Technologies |
Section 6. New measurement technology in the industry |
4501 | Larionov V.A. Calibration of Sensors for Technological Production |
4531 | Nekrasov S., Fomchenko S., Sukharev A. Problems of Non-intrusive Measurements of Fluid Flow Parameters in Pipelines |
4552 | Tushev S., Sukhovilov B., Sartasov E. Architecture of Industrial Close-range Photogrammetric System with Multi-functional Coded Targets |
4599 | Gorbatenko N.I., Lankin A.M., Lankin M.V. Method of Production Defects Identification of High-Potential Positioning Systems |
4612 | Radionov A.A., Gasiyarov V.R., Khramshin V.R., Loginov B.M. Implementation of Telemetric On-Line Monitoring System of Elastic Torque of Rolling Mill Line of Shafting |
4615 | Kornilov G.P., Nikiforov G.V., Odintsov K.E., Karandaeva O.I. Metrological Monitoring of Power Consumption Metering Systems at Manufacturing Plant |